Dear Mr. (aka sehpferd),
Referring to your complaint below please note that our newsletter contains the indication that 'any destination departing from Budapest' and also another notice that all details of the promotion can be read at www.malev.hu.
Although we are very sorry if it escaped your attention, we are not in a position to offer you any compensation.
Once again we apologise for the inconveniences caused to you.
Malev Plc.
Customer Relaitons
Falls die Malév ihren eigenen Newsletter nicht lesen kann:
Just in case Malév can not read their own newsletter:

Referring to your complaint below please note that our newsletter contains the indication that 'any destination departing from Budapest' and also another notice that all details of the promotion can be read at www.malev.hu.
Although we are very sorry if it escaped your attention, we are not in a position to offer you any compensation.
Once again we apologise for the inconveniences caused to you.
Malev Plc.
Customer Relaitons
Falls die Malév ihren eigenen Newsletter nicht lesen kann:
Just in case Malév can not read their own newsletter:

sehpferd - am Samstag, 9. April 2005, 11:41 - Rubrik: Kunde sein